07/09/2006: Réunion de l'Intergroupe "Famille et Protection de l'Enfance" – Présentation par le Vice-Président de la Commission européenne M. Franco Frattini de la Stratégie Européenne sur les droits de l'enfant.

L'Intergroupe Famille et Protection de l'Enfance du Parlement Européen s'est réuni hier sous la présidence de la Députée européenne Mme Panayotopoulos - Cassiotou, (PPE - DE, GR) membre du Parti populaire européen, pour se pencher davantage sur la Communication de la Commission sur "une stratégie européenne sur les droits de l'enfant" publiée le 4 juillet 2006.

En présence d’un grand nombre d'eurodéputés, des représentants du Conseil de l'Europe, du Comité Economique et Social Européen, de l'UNICEF et d'Organisations familiales Non Gouvernementales, M. Franco Frattini, Vice-Président de la Commission et Commissaire pour la liberté, la sécurité et la justice a exposé les avancées principales apportées par la Communication et les objectifs de la Commission européenne dans le domaine des droits de l’enfant.

Innovation significative, l’adoption, par la Commission, d’une approche horizontale et d’une stratégie globale qui protègera et promouvra les droits des enfants dans les politiques internes ainsi qu’externes de l'Union européenne a été mise en exergue par le Commissaire européen. Ainsi, un vaste champ de domaines politiques, dont la justice civile et pénale, l'emploi, l'enseignement et la santé, la coopération au développement ou encore la négociation des accords commerciaux, se trouve couvert par cette Stratégie. Grâce à cette initiative, les enfants sont désormais considérés comme des citoyens à part entière, traités sur un pied d'égalité avec les adultes et désormais, leur est donnée la possibilité de participer aux consultations sur les décisions qui les concernent.

Le Commissaire, en exposant le texte, a remarqué que le but de la Commission est surtout de tirer parti des législations et activités existant aujourd’hui en vue d'aboutir rapidement à des résultats concrets en matière de protection des droits des enfants au sein de toutes les politiques européennes. A cet égard, la transparence et la concertation avec les enfants seront des méthodes de travail d’importance majeure pour la Commission. Par ailleurs, le futur coordinateur pour les droits de l'enfant, qui contribuera à l'établissement d'une collaboration étroite entre les 14 Directions Générales de la Commission concernées par la Stratégie et à l'organisation d'un forum permanent sur les droits des enfants, jouera un rôle fondamental. Selon M. Frattini, ce forum constituera une enceinte de discussion entre les autorités publiques et privées des Etats Membres, des Organisations internationales et européennes et des enfants, et sa place sera cruciale pour la reconnaissance et la prise en compte, au niveau national, des besoins et des intérêts des enfants.

Dans une optique plus pratique, M. Frattini a également annoncé aux participants à la réunion de l’Intergroupe, la mise en œuvre de certaines actions spécifiques, telles que l'instauration de lignes téléphoniques européennes d'assistance et d'urgence prévues opérationnelles d'ici fin 2006, la création d'un site internet destiné aux enfants, le soutien aux banques dans la lutte contre l'utilisation des cartes de crédit pour l'achat de matériel pornographique en combinaison avec une meilleure exploitation des actions du programme DAPHNE et la promotion du rôle d'EUROPOL dans la lutte contre les actions criminelles visant des enfants. Par ailleurs, il a indiqué l’intention de la Commission de présenter, courant 2007, une nouvelle Communication sur la lutte contre la pauvreté des enfants dans le cadre de la coopération au développement.

A la suite de la présentation, et quant au rôle de la famille sur le développement normal de l'enfant, le Commissaire a indiqué que la famille relève de la compétence des Etats-membres mais que la Commission a pour but d’encourager, par des mesures adéquates, la cohésion familiale à un niveau européen. S'agissant du parti pédophile aux Pays-Bas sur lequel il a été interpellé par un participant, le Commissaire a noté que malgré le manque de pouvoir d'action directe en la matière, la Commission suivra étroitement, à l'instar du gouvernement hollandais, toute violation éventuelle des droits de l'enfant et prendra les mesures dissuasives nécessaires.

Lors de la Conférence de Presse qui s'est tenue suite à la réunion, Mme Panayotopoulos - Cassiotou a souligné que "cette nouvelle stratégie sur les droits des enfants facilite l'adoption, au niveau national, d'une politique de l'enfance dynamique qui ferait de l'intérêt supérieur de l'enfant un principe directeur de toute action et favoriserait la participation active et responsable des enfants dans la vie familiale et sociale." Enfin, la Députée a mis l’accent sur le rôle majeur que devra prendre le coordinateur pour les enfants et sur la nécessité de créer cette fonction dans tous les Etats membres.

1 commentaire:


Vice-Présidents: José RIBEIRO E CASTRO (P, PPE), Nathalie GRIESBECK (F, ALDE), Kathy SINNOTT (IE, IND), Sylwester CHRUSZCZ (PL, IND), Konrad SZYMANSKI (PL, UEN)





" An EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child"

Wednesday 6 September

Salle SDM S3

1. Participants





Martina ENGEL OTTO (Ass. Dr Chatzimarkakis), Jerôme FEDELICH (Ass. Nathalie Griesbeck), Zuzana HECKOVA ( Ass. Irena Belohorska),
A. PIENZCISKA ( Ass. Urszula Krupa), Kristina STARAZ ( Ass. Edit Bauer), Tobias TEUSCHER ( Ass. Anna Zaborska), Catherine VIERLING ( Ass. Anna Zaborska), Assistant of Mrs Patrizia TOIA, Kamila ZARYCHTA ( Ass. Witold Tomzcak)


Annachiara CERRI ( Conseil de l'Europe), Anne Marie de WARREN ( Mouvement Mondial des Mères), Hannah MACSWEEN (Care for Europe), Michiel MATTHES (Ecology of the Child), Marie Claude DELAHAYE (Fonctionnaire PPE), Jana HAINSWORTH (Eurochild), Irena Kowalczyk-Kedziora ( Conseil de l'Europe), Christa LEONHARDT ( Federation Européenne pour la Famille), Sylvie RAVINA ( Institute for Family Policy), Daniel RIVAUD ( Comité Protestant Evangélique pour la dignité Humaine), Jacqueline ROBERTS ( Conseil de l'Europe), Jenny SCHULER ( FAFCE), Vladimir TCHERNEGA ( Conseil de l'Europe), Anne VAHL ( fonctionnaire PPE), Lola VELARDE ( Institute for Family Policy), Margaret WACHENFELD (UNICEF)

1. Intervention of Mrs Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, President of the Intergroup on Family and Protection of Childhood.

Mrs Panayotopoulos indicated that the Intergroup welcomes the Commission’s proposal aiming at establishing a European strategy on the rights of the Child.

The Intergroup has already had the opportunity to address the situation of children through discussions on

• Demographic change and intergenerational relations
• The exploitation of children
• Impact of new technologies on children

Following discussions and contributions not only from the Commission but also from Organisations like the European Economic and Social Committee as well as the European Council, it became clear that children’s rights, needs and interests were not always being taken into account in the formulation of policies and actions of public authorities. Unfortunately, children continue to be the first victims of poverty, exclusion and abuses of all kinds.

Mrs Panayotopoulos also pointed out the very positive character of the transversal approach and global strategy adopted by the Commission which will help protect and promote children's rights both in the internal and external policies of the European Union and will cover more than ten political fields such as civil justice, employment, cooperation for development, negotiation of trade agreements, education and health.

The President explained that she hoped the Communication would contribute to the recognition of children as full citizens and to the integration of their needs and interests as a distinctive and visible component in budgets, policies, laws, programs both within the EU and also in relations with third countries.

This strategy should contribute to the adoption of a dynamic childhood policy at national and local level that would provide for:

• complete implementation of the United Nation’s Convention on the rights of the child
• Placement of children’s interests at the core of all actions
• An active and responsible participation of children in the family and in the society.
• And that would prevent instead of answer urgent or chronic situations.

Respect of children’s rights and equal treatment between children and adults will help preserve relations between generations and will serve democracy.

2. Presentation of the Communication "towards an EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child" by the Commissioner for Justice, Freedom and Security, Mr Franco Frattini

The Commissioner indicated that 13 different DGs and 12 Commissioners had been involved in the preparation of the Communication: It is a good example of a complete and transparent cooperation within the European Commission.
NGOs and other stakeholders had also been invited to contribute to the Communication thus enabling an exchange of information and best practices: the collaboration with civil society helped achieve a comprehensive approach on the rights of the Child.

According to the Commissioner, this Communication is just a first step: the next step is to move ahead with the implementation starting from the urgent actions towards the improvement of the prevention and fight against all kinds of violence by granting children a role of interlocutors of public authorities. Active participation of children to the implementation stage is fundamental.

Mr Frattini indicated that he would appoint a European Coordinator for children. He will be in charge of coordinating the services of the Commission with relevant stakeholders.
In addition, he stressed that the Communication provides the establishment of a European permanent Forum on the Rights of the Child. This permanent Forum will be the result of a consultation with all organisations potentially interested in participating and working with the Commission. This forum will enable the exchange of best practices, the launch of ideas as well as the implementation of actions and proposals. It will also promote a close collaboration among all interested actors: civil society. NGOs, European and International institutions (UN, Council of Europe)

The Commissioner reminded that the Communication establishes a roadmap of seven short term and long term objectives:

• The European helplines and hotlines for children in need will be launched by the end of this year in collaboration with Commissioner Reding
• The website dedicated to children will enable an interactive and direct communication with the Commission. The website will contain clear wording in order to permit children to access it easily. After having listened to children and NGOs it will be possible to exchange best practices.

Mr Frattini explained that another goal was to speed up the complete implementation of all the international instruments and in particular the UN-Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Commission will present, at the beginning of 2007, a Communication which will deal with the international dimension of the protection of children's rights. This Communication will focus on the role of children in the Development Strategy. The Commission counts on the EP's support in order to address issues such as child poverty, trafficking, interethnic conflicts etc.

The Commissioner said he wanted to improve the daily cooperation with the UN and the Council of Europe.

• Political cooperation will involve the Parliament. Material cooperation will involve EUROPOL and will aim the improvement of its capacities to fight against violence, the exploitation of children as well as the use of internet for the promotion of paedophilia and child prostitution.
Mr Frattini mentioned that he was very concerned about the creation of a new political party proclaiming paedophilia as a political goal.

• Operational Cooperation is also needed with neighbouring countries within the framework of neighbourhood policy. Candidate countries and the countries which are about to join the EU have to commit to eliminate trafficking in children. During recent discussions with Bulgaria and Romania, those countries agreed to examine the proposal of a "Black sea task force" composed of police forces and which would deal with all trafficking activities transiting from the black sea and coming to Europe.
• Romania and Bulgaria should play a leading role in the Black Sea Region for the prevention and the fight against trafficking which is increasing.
• The Commission will also address this problem with neighbouring countries such as Ukraine and Belarus which are interested in cooperating with the EU: Mr. Frattini indicated that if those countries wanted to strengthen their cooperation with the EU, in return they would have to commit to protecting children against trafficking.

President Barroso has also personally committed to promote a deeper cooperation between the European Commission, the NGOs and public European Institutions dealing with protection of children.

3. Debate

Mrs Lola Velarde, President of the Institute for Family-Policy in the European asked the Commissioner whether prenatal rights of children would be recognised since the UN-Convention on the Rights of Children provides in article 24, that children have a right to prenatal care. The Commissioner explained that he was in favour of such rights and mentioned a project within the DAPHNE programme which deals specifically with this issue. He indicated that he was willing to consider proposals relating to the protection of the prenatal period.

Sarah Ludford (MEP) asked to be informed about the right of children to sexual education. She also raised the issue of child asylum seekers and refugees. The Commissioner replied that education was included in the Strategy. He stressed that Commissioner Figel was willing to collaborate in order to promote a better education strategy, including the right of Children to be properly informed and better educated. Commissioner Figel will also address the issue of teachers' education.
Mr Frattini pointed out that the problem of child asylum seekers was also taken into account in the Communication's scope. There are already ongoing projects and initiatives. Within the European approach on refugees and asylum seekers a special attention will be given to vulnerable groups and in particular children. The Commissioner said that it was possible to increase concrete initiatives in this field through a specific examination of asylum requests that are made by children (faster procedure). Mr Frattini will collaborate closely with Commissioner Michel on the issue of children who are illegal migrants and refugees.

Replying to remarks concerning the method chosen by the Commission to grant rights to children and eventual dangers, the Commissioner said that the Communication sets objectives but that its implementation depends on the cooperation of all stakeholders (Member States, NGOs, international organizations etc) and on good will. In order to take into account children's opinions, one should first grant them rights and then listen to children on how they would like to be protected and finally adopt measures. The Permanent Forum on the Rights of the Child will give the possibility to study the best way to protect children: some rights are fundamental: those cannot be put into question. However, the way these rights can be protected can be discussed.

On a question relating to the information of the Parliament, the Commissioner indicated that he would be informing the Parliament about the implementation of the Strategy and also about its successes and difficulties. He also reminded that the Commission would be informing the Parliament on the DAPHNE programme and individual projects relating to violence. Cooperation with the Parliament will be a strategic instrument.

On the role of the family, Mr Frattini reminded that it belonged to the Member States to promote the role of the family as a social institution. However Europe must take into account the role of families in education, immigration, family reunification, civil and family law. Family has a crucial role to play when talking about children's rights.

In response to MEPs concerns on the new paedophile party in the Netherlands, the Commissioner indicated that he had sent a letter to the Dutch Minister of Justice in order to get information on how the Netherlands would prevent the promotion of illegal activities in the work programme of political party. In the Commissioner's view the programme of the party is in complete violation of international and European Conventions on the rights of children since it promotes the abolition of criminal sanctions against those who sexually exploit children. The Commissioner was informed that the party was under close scrutiny but that under Dutch law it could not be sanctioned for demanding the abolition or modification of existing legislation. However, it would be immediately sanctioned if it asks for a violation of existing laws protecting children.

On a question relating to male and female genital mutilation, Mr Frattini explained that the Commission was encouraging, under the Daphne Programme, projects aiming at helping the victims of such mutilations: help for social reintegration and psychological rehabilitation. These issues will be included in the new Communication on the rights of children in the Development aid Strategy.

Mrs Sinnott referred to the Grundvig medical protocol of the Netherlands which recommends the ending of treatments for children who are too premature, sick or disabled. She asked the Commissioner to intervene in order to put an end to this protocol.

Mrs. Bauer mentioned a recent UNICEF-Report which highlights the problem of unregistered and invisible children. She asked the Commissioner if he had the intention to include this issue in the development and neighbourhood policies. She also requested to know whether there were any developments concerning the definition of childhood (i.e. until the age of 18) in trafficking legislation.

The Commissioner indicated that the problem of unregistered children had been included in pilot projects with countries of origin of immigrants and refugees. The idea is to help these countries develop graphic registers in order to make it possible to establish and create an effective right to the personal identity of children that are invisible. The goal is to address the origin of the problem. Since last year, the Commission is promoting pilot programs in Tanzania and neighbouring countries. Belarus, Moldavia and Ukraine are also being helped to improve their capacity to create public registries.
Concerning the harmonisation of the age-limit in the field of trafficking, the Commissioner informed Mrs. Bauer that it was not easy to harmonize completely the national legislations but that he was working on an approximation of operational measures.

Questioned on the increasing number of divorces, Mr Frattini explained that it was impossible to impose by law the unity of the family. It is only possible to promote European policies that would support families in order to increase their social contribution and help children who suffer from the fragmentation of their home.

The Commissioner informed the representative of the World Movement of Mothers, Mrs Anne Marie de Warren, that the Commission is always willing to provide financial assistance to NGOs and in particular those that work in the field of the neighbourhood policy. Furthermore, the neighbourhood policy includes a strategy for families and the role of children. The program DAPHNE is the key financial instrument for NGOs.

Mr Frattini also pointed out that he subscribes to the comments on the necessity to translate intentions into concrete results. He is convinced that there is no need for new legislative proposals but for obtaining results with the existing legislation. He stressed that the proposal to extend the permanent forum’s field of activity to include childhood should rely on a good collaboration of all interested parties and not on a unilateral decision of the Commission. If childhood is included then what would be the concrete results and objectives? The commissioner indicated that he was ready to discuss it.

Concerning the question of the European Foundation for Street Children Worldwide as the creation of a new procedure within the Commission, the Commissioner indicated that the role of the new coordinator will be to simplify the procedure and make it more transparent. The goal is to have only one interlocutor. Of course, the functioning of this procedure will be evaluated.

Finally, M. Frattini confirmed the importance of promoting children’s rights within developing countries. Clear and transparent criteria will be set for the interlocutors of the Development policy. For candidate countries, these criteria will be included in the Community acquis.